Neurocritical Care Chapter
Rapid Response System Chapter
Contact Us
For any enquiries, please contact our Secretariat:
Society of Intensive Care Medicine (Singapore)
c/o Ace:Daytons Direct (International) Pte Ltd
2 Leng Kee Road
#04-01 Thye Hong Centre
Singapore 159086
Tel: (+65) 6379 5263 / 6379 5260

- The implementation of Rapid Response Systems “RRS”or Medical Emergency Teams has saved many lives in hospitals around the world since its first appearance in the 1990s. Early recognition and prompt appropriate response to clinical deterioration is the most effective strategy in avoiding preventable cardiac arrests in hospitalised patients. The RRS expands care for the critically ill across the whole hospital. The RRS has arisen in response to the widespread realisation that many patients suffer harm or death due to unrecognised or poorly managed deterioration – particularly in general wards – and is now well established or standard of care in many hospitals in Australia, Europe and America. In Asia, it is still a relatively new concept.
- A group of doctors and nurses, from CGH, SGH, NTFGH, NUS and NUS, consisting of members and non-members of SICM successfully organised the 15th International Conference on Rapid Response Systems & Medical Emergency Teams (iSRRS 2019) on 18 – 19 April 2019 at the Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre, under the auspices of SICM. This was a preconference of 6th SG ANZICS Asia Pacific Intensive Care Forum.
- As a result of iSRRS 2019, we have established network with both the International Society for Rapid Response Systems as well as Asian practitioners and key opinion leaders, which will position SICM well to be the regional leader promoting RRS.
- Formation of an RRS Chapter in SICM brings our professionals together to continue supporting the local and regional interest in RRS.
The RSS Chapter was formally established on 27 July 2019 with the following objectives :
- Encourage professional interaction, exchange and support amongst doctors, nurses and allied health professionals from different institutions providing RRS.
- Promote and advance the concept & implementation of RRS in hospitals.
- Raise the profile of RRS as a special area of interest within the specialty of Critical Care Medicine.
- Provides professional guidance to Ministry of Health Singapore and other Non-Governmental Organizations on matters relating to RRS.
- Foster collaboration in professional, educational and research efforts in RRS.
The Chapter will organise activities to meet the objectives stated above.