Contact Us
For any enquiries, please contact our Secretariat:
C/- Kenes International Organizers of Congresses S.A
7 rue François Versonnex
PO Box 6053
1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland Web:

About World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care (WFPICCS)
WFPICCS strives for the worldwide survival of every critically ill and injured child and the wellbeing of its family.
- WFPICCS is the leading organisation advocating for the care of critically ill and injured children worldwide.
- We advance professional knowledge, enhance skills and share best practices.
- We are committed to giving each child the best chance for survival and quality of life including its family.
- Encourage the development of new clinical treatments and appropriate application of new and existing critical care technologies and treatments to infants, children and adolescents with life threatening illness.
- Promote education programmes and the dissemination of scientific information relevant to the specialty.
- Recommend desirable standards and guidelines for the training of Pediatric Intensive (and Critical Care) practitioners.
- Provide information regarding opportunities for postgraduate clinical and research training worldwide.
- Encourage research into all aspects of Pediatric Intensive (and Critical Care).
- Promote multidisciplinary collaboration between Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care specialist by supporting education and professional developments of all health professional involved in Pediatric Intensive (and Critical) Care.
- Arrange at regular intervals a World Congress of Pediatric Intensive (and Critical Care) and promote regional congresses: to encourage meetings in special groups within the specialty and make provision for them to meet where appropriate at the above World Congress.
- Assist and encourage the development and formation of national and regional organizations dedicated to Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care.
- Advise upon request National and International organizations.