Neurocritical Care Chapter
Rapid Response System Chapter

Contact Us
For any enquiries, please contact our Secretariat:

Society of Intensive Care Medicine (Singapore)
c/o Ace:Daytons Direct (International) Pte Ltd
2 Leng Kee Road
#04-01 Thye Hong Centre
Singapore 159086

Tel: (+65) 6379 5263 / 6379 5260


DUKE-NUS Anesthesia Student Interest Group

Duke-NUS Anesthesia Student Interest Group is made up of a group of students passionate about anesthesia as well as critical/intensive care. We aim to promote awareness and engagement of Anesthesia amongst its members via aspects such as knowledge, exposure and mentorship. We recognise that Anesthesia is a highly niche specialisation that many students have limited exposure to throughout their medical school journey.

To that end, our objectives are to

  1. create opportunities for our members to interact and gain insights from practising Anesthesiology clinicians, Anesthesiology Program Directors and residents;
  2. organise teaching sessions by Anesthesia residents and faculty; as well as
  3. advocate for Anesthesia as a speciality of interest within Duke-NUS.
Other goals involve acting as a platform of collaboration between other institutions like NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Society of Intensive Care Medicine as well as other institutions related to Anesthesia, Intensive/Critical care within and beyond Singapore.

Students who are interested in Intensive Care Medicine can join SICM with a Student Associate Membership at no cost.

We have 2 upcoming events lined up
  1. World Anesthesia Day Feature Videos
  2. Residency talk
All updates can be found here: