SICM Membership Categories
Ordinary Member (OM)
A medical practitioner engaged in fields related to Intensive Care Medicine and currently practising in Singapore. An Ordinary Member shall have the following privileges:
- voting rights
- eligibility to stand for election as officer bearer
Associate Member (AM)
Associate Members shall be healthcare/scientific workers other than medical practitioners engaged in fields related to Intensive Care Medicine or medical practitioners who do not qualify as Ordinary Members, and currently practising in Singapore.
This membership may include but are not limited to nurses, pharmacists or respiratory therapists. An Associate Member does not have voting rights and is not eligible to stand for election as officer bearer.
The annual subscription fee for Associate Members is $15.00 and renewable on January 1 of the following year.
Life Member (LM)
Any Ordinary Member may apply for life membership upon payment of S$800.00, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Alternatively, any Ordinary Member who has been a member continuously for 20 years may be elected a Life Member by the Executive Committee. Such a member need not pay any further subscription fees upon being confirmed as a Life Member and shall be entitled to all the privileges of an Ordinary Member.
Honorary Member (HM)
Honorary Member elected by simple majority vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Society upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. There is no limit on the number of Honorary Members elected, and there are no annual subscription fees for Honorary Members.
Student Associate Member (SAM)
This membership is open to existing Local Medical Students who are pursuing an interest in Intensive Care Medicine.
Anyone who is studying full-time at an Institute of Higher Learning. All applications must be accompanied by an official letter from your head of department or supervisor with the institution letterhead, confirming your student status
There is no annual subscription fee for Student Associate Membership, and membership is renewable on January 1 of the following year.
Foreigner Member (FM)
This membership is open to existing Medical Professionals who are not residing and working in Singapore and have an interest in Intensive Care Medicine.
This membership may include but are not limited to nurses, pharmacists or respiratory therapists. A Foreigner Member does not have voting rights and is not eligible to stand for election as officer bearer.
Proof of Employment Verification Letter from your current institution is required during application.
The annual subscription fee for Foreigner Member is $50.00 excluding all bank admin transaction charges and prevailing tax (if any) and renewable on January 1 of the following year.
Membership Renewal Reminder
We would like to inform you that your renewal for SICM membership is due from 1 January 2024. To avoid disruptions to your access or services, we kindly request that you make the payment for the membership at your earliest convenience.
Profile Update Request
In order to keep our records accurate and ensure that we have the most current information, we request that you update your profile details.
Please kindly click on this link https://sicm.org.sg/ and then look for "Login" in the right corner of the menu bar to log in to make membership payment and update your profile.
Why become an SICM Member? 10+1 reasons to!
SICM members enjoy the following privileges:
- access to past SICM webinar videos via the SICM webpage
- stay updated on the latest local and international events in intensive care medicine - webinars are free for SICM members!
- special discounted rates for the renowned Asia Pacific Intensive Care Symposium (APICS),, now in its 11th Edition!
- attend training programmes that can enhance your skills and knowledge
- stay updated on the latest advancements, research, and guidelines in critical care medicine
- stay updated and participate in SICM-NICER (National Investigators for Clinical Epidemiology and Research) research activities
- opportunity to apply for newly launched SICM research grant (see https://sicm.org.sg/article/9aDoA )
- collaborative research initiatives provide members opportunities to engage in research projects and contribute to advancing intensive care medicine
- join a community passionate about intensive care medicine in Singapore and expand your networks
- join the SICM-RRS (Rapid Response Systems) and/or the SICM-NCC (Neurocritical Care) Chapters and participate in their activities
- develop networks with SICM's global collaborations, including ANZICS and our partners
- access to a network of professionals in your field, allowing you to connect with peers, mentors, and potential collaborators
- allows you to participate in your professional community actively, fostering a sense of belonging and contributing to the advancement of the industry
- to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for intensive care. This sense of community can be valuable for professional support and camaraderie
- register your interest to contribute to SICM's educational activities to help others
- voting rights for ordinary members. Ordinary members can be voted into the executive committee to shape Singapore's intensive care medicine activities.
Continuing Education Credits
- offer programmes that provide continuing education credits, supporting members in meeting their ongoing education requirements and staying current in their practice
And also because the most passionate and coolest people in Intensive Care Medicine in Singapore have already joined!